Who Is The Best Content Creator?

When we go to meet some of our clients. We often discuss a number of blogs written by marketers for marketers. It’s a niche community.

When it comes to making a list of the best businesses content creators it’s always so so difficult. And I although read a lot of blogs from time to time, I obvs don’t know them all.

So this list is not exhaustive and obviously I’d like to continually add to this. Is by no means a comprehensive one. That being said these are the blogs we love reading or get some inspiration from.

Adobe Spark: I love reading this simply as it is written by creative people for other creatives with a flair. Yes Adobe is a behemoth with unlimited resources at it’s disposal. It does cover a fair few topics, issues as well as expertise to keep anyone involved.

Hubspot’s Blog What can you say about hubspots blog that has not already been said! I once went to a seminar and one of the speakers was hubspots SEO guy. You mentioned they at the time try to create 5 pieces of content a day. They literally have a team of writers, strategists as well as scientists and creative people working to make this output on fire. The result speaks for it self and for them they have to practice what they preach right?

Buffer Blog Or should I say Buffer’s legendary blog! It kind of broke the mound when the CEO in the name of transparency would speak about such diverse and taboo topics such as mental health, or the salary everyone was being paid including his own and the companies actual revenue numbers and monthly churn rates. You got to respect that level of sincerity. Easily one of my faves!

Hootsuite’s Blog You cant talk about buffer’s blog and not mention Hootsuite. To be honest I actually discovered them when I went to one of their events here in London. The people behind the scenes were so impressive and talented. I couldn’t help but get sucked into the company’s culture. They have been in mu must reads for ages. Like buffer the company is also very ethical and transparent in their approach. Last I heard they had just been certified B Corp!

Sprout Social Despite what you may think of Sprout, I personally admire the companies approach and philosophy to blogging. If you listen to Neil Patel’s podcast they take this data and analytical approach very seriously. Discard what works and double down on what does. I have personally gained so much and learned a lot from reading, watching and listening to Sprout’s folks. Highly recommend.

What do you think of my selection? Should I add any more to my reading list? Talk to me people?


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