How Do You Plan Content?

When it comes to planning content. You must start with the end goal in mind. What is it you’d like to achieve with content. Usually marketers tend to work with sales funnels in mind. The goals are usually based on where your business happens to find itself and your KPI’s.



  • Do you want to create dazzling content that will attract new customers and let people know you exist?

  • Do you want to create content that explains what you do in more detail so the ones who have already heard of you can research your product or service?

  • Or are you in the position of needing to gently nudge customers through the conversion threshold?

  • The final part of the funnel (in my opinion the often ignored segment). The post purchase funnel. The existing customer. Content if done well can also keep your existing customer happy and make them an evangelist to your company.

Sales funnel (sorry this is the best one I could find on unsplash! lol)

Sales funnel (sorry this is the best one I could find on unsplash! lol)

So let’s got to it. How do you plan content?

Here is The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Content Plan For Your Content Marketing

The above blog is packed full of gems here are the main points I took away.

  • To be successful You need a plan simple as

  • Set up a goal, and have a set KPI i.e. visitor goals, conversion goals etc

  • Create a buyer persona so you are always creating content at least one segment will want to read!

This is an excellent post by the folks at CMI. Your How-To Plan for 12 Months of Customer-Focused Blogging

A bullet pointed summary of what they recommend:

  1. Identify your blog post goals

  2. Decide on themes and topics

  3. Survey your audience

  4. Track online conversations

  5. Perform keyword research

  6. Build a list of topics

  7. Determine the most effective content formats

  8. Finally, create your content calendar

Here is what Moz have to say, in their very well written article The Ultimate Guide to Content Planning

  • Understand your Brand

  • Understand your Audience

  • Brainstorm Ideas

  • Segment your content types and flow

To summarise, planning content if done well can make you more successful. Better at helping your customers move along the funnel and also goals will help you meet your targets! For a better tomorrow and a world filled with top quality planned content!

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