What Is Good Content?

In short good content is anything that your audience finds relevant, interesting, engaging! 

The longer answer to this question starts with the customer in mind. Similar to the post I wrote about How can I make my content interesting? 

In the words of Gary Vee

How to make good content essentially relies on you knowing your audience their preferences, likes and dislikes. What motivates them as well as what turns them off. 

Once you know the above, creating good content should be a lot easier. I’d recommend you to consider these things to keep things REAL. 

Relevant; weather you’re posting a meme or a video. Think about where your audience is likely to be consuming it. If you know your video was going to be viewed on a desktop at work (you’d want to include subtitles). Or if it is being posted on Instagram you’d want the content to be short and sweet! So it’s relevant to wherever or whenever someone is consuming it. 

Exemplary; Someone once said to be the world is already full of drab and uninspiring content just don't add to that pile. Our American friends are great at this. We once had a consultant come in to train us and he would start by offering a teaser 15 min phone call. During that time he told us he gave away his best ideas! Just to start things on the strongest foot possible and also to leave the audience hungry for more!  

Apt; This goes back to thinking about your audience. Is what you are creating going to be useful for that your audience is going through at the moment? As business content creators we are not a news service. Let’s say you are selling to accountants and you know the year end is coming up. Instead of evergreen content would you likely get a cut through by understanding this is going to be a busy time for your audience and you can create something that will help. 

Lively: Whichever industry you are in, getting the right Tone of Voice is so so important! The world is full of content that is just so blah. No one I mean absolutely no one wants a monotone voice that is so grey it would make reading the T&C’s seem more fun. We as humans want to be entertained and at least be given the option to consume something that is not going to suck the living soul out of us.  

What makes good content:

How to write great content?


What Are Good Topics To Create Content About?


How Can I Make My Content Interesting?