How Can I Make My Content Interesting?

Good and interesting content is in the eye of the beholder. 

What may be interesting to you may not be to the next person. What we advocate for here at Interesting Content is to cater for content that your audience/ buyer is most likely to resonate with. 

So “what is my audience interested in”?  I hear you ask. The first thing we advise our client is to create a buyer persona if they don't have one already. If you don't have one drop everything and create one.  

We have multiple buyer personas and look to update the persona at least once every quarter. 

This will allow you to really understand and know your audience's biggest frustrations and problems.

Once you have a list of issues your customers face on a daily basis, what motivates them and what they stay up at night worrying about.  All you have to do, my friends is create content and  provide your customers with a solution to their problem. 

Firstly you’re not leading with the type of content that says we are so great, these are the great features our latest product has. Instead you’re going in with the yep we know this is your biggest headache. Here is a product that has been created to address exactly that! 

In my personal opinion you will hear this a lot from me. Stop trying to aim for vanity metrics and considering your content to be successful based on the number of views or likes it receives. The true success of doing any type of marketing activity is how much profit it manages to bank for you? In the words of the late great Jay Conrad Levinson author of Guerilla Marketing book

Nine Ingredients of great content. By Neil Patel. 

22 Tips For Creating Great Content When You Don’t Have a Clue

This is How You Create Incredible Content for ‘Dull’ Industries:  


What Is Good Content?


Learn From My Mistakes...