How Do You Write Business Content?

Writing business content is no different to writing any other piece of content. We like to use the KISS methodology here at Interesting Content.

  • Keep

  • It

  • Simple

  • Stupid

I was talking to a friend about this the other day, she happened to be a marketing manager. After a bit of a debate we concluded (yes I talk to my friends about content even when I’m chilling out); B2B content tends to be over thought, over edited, over analysed and overtly crafted for perfection.

Resulting in content that is so sanitised and bland it looses all meaning, craft and devoid of all flavour. Worse than the lemon flavour option at Nando’s (TBH I go for this option, but I wanted to make a point here about it being bland and continue the food/ taste analogy).

Think about your reader, yes I’m thinking about you right now.

I’m imaging you to be a normal person just like me. I get interested, I get bored. I binge watch box sets on Netflix, I scroll through Instagram stories. I have 50 million things to do at any given moment. Sometimes I’m productive. Sometimes I’m downright lazy.

The point I’m trying to make is, I don’t suddenly become someone different when reading, watching consuming B2B content. I’m the same person. So when I encounter a message that is so depersonalised and bland as if it was written by a T&C lawyer. I tend to switch off quicker than a iPhone battery when you need it the most. Not sure if that simile worked, as well as I thought it would.

Back to the blog; when writing anything weather it be an email, messages on your company socials just think about the audience first and everything else will follow.

Here are some further reads/ watches:


How Do I Write About My Brand?


What Are Good Topics To Create Content About?