Existing Customers

Easier to sell to existing customers than to find new ones. So the old adage goes.

We can personally vouch for this piece of advice being valid. During the covid times the first thing I did was get in touch with every single person we had worked for and the result was not just a whole bunch of; quote requests warm leads and a steady stream of sales & referrals that came in too.

If you are a business that wants to generate sales with the cheapest form of customer acquisition cost. Pick up the phone and get back in touch with folks whom you had been in touch with. It works.

Having said that here are my top 5 tops:

  • Think long term. I’d rather sell you for a whole lifetime rather than just one off.

  • Think short term too, is there anything you can sell to your existing customer right now i.e an add on or an upsell or perhaps an update to what they had bought previously.

  • Approach with empathy, if it has been a while since you were last in touch. circumstances may have changed for your customer. So always approach with a bit of empathy.

  • Think of your customer as a human first and not someone who will help you meet your quarters goals. I’m not saying be friends with everyone you do business with. People do like to do business with someone they like so approach customer with the goal of wanting to create a relationship.

Don’t just take my word for it. Here was the research I based my decision on.


How To Ask Customers For A Review


Google Analytics: The Basics In 2020!